
做头大象,甩去乡间湿土,同你与爱为伍作者:admin 时间:2022-12-15



给小狗套上项圈是违法的,为爱情附加禁锢同样可悲,我已经被困在这淳朴的大山中许久,抬头清朗的天不止看到畅快的鸟,低头厚重的土却只有我泥泞的心。转眼间,你的闯入拨开云雾;一刹那,你的走进暖意交沁。牧羊农务再不是漫漫长日,和你在一起的秒秒钟丝丝入扣,说的句句话历历在目。当刺眼的阳照进紧贴的心,宁静的风穿过粘连的吻,《Tilted》歌声响起“I am actually good, can’t help it if we’re tilted.” 我真的很好,情不自禁的失衡,情难自已的沉沦,负担太重,时间太久,我都快忘记了轻松的滋味,自由的感受,其实你和一切都在等我,原来我能做到。为你,无惧流言蜚语,爱你,不愿就此放手,大象跑不快,也奋力冲向那片星空。

The pursuit of happiness,踏着插曲,启程幸福

……“ I'm a lonely warrior

Trading my guns for a nice skirt

I'm light as a feather

Since I confessed to my mother

I couldn't go further

Wearing the boots of my father

Yes I can do better

’Cause my name is not Robert

Is not Robert

When we left for the summer

I wish I had that pink bicycle

Go hide from the others

Paint my face like a warrior

I'm a warrior

I'm a lady in a mister

Followed my heart and my nature

I couldn't go further

‘Cause my name is not Robert

I'm a warrior

I'm a warrior

Call me lady call me mister

That mission won't kill the warrior ”……


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